Miroslav Ka\v cena
Products and projective limits of function spaces

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 49,4 (2008) 547-578.

Abstract:We introduce a notion of a product and projective limit of function spaces. We show that the Choquet boundary of the product space is the product of Choquet boundaries. Next we show that the product of simplicial spaces is simplicial. We also show that the maximal measures on the product space are exactly those with maximal projections. We show similar characterizations of the Choquet boundary and the space of maximal measures for the projective limit of function spaces under some additional assumptions and we prove that the projective limit of simplicial spaces is simplicial.

Keywords: Choquet theory, function space, product, projective limit, simplicial space
AMS Subject Classification: Primary 46A55; Secondary 26B25, 46A32