Abstract:We prove that the semigroup operation of a topological semigroup $S$ extends to a continuous semigroup operation on its Stone-\v Cech compactification $\beta S$ provided $S$ is a pseudocompact openly factorizable space, which means that each map $f:S\to Y$ to a second countable space $Y$ can be written as the composition $f=g\circ p$ of an open map $p:X\to Z$ onto a second countable space $Z$ and a map $g:Z\to Y$. We present a spectral characterization of openly factorizable spaces and establish some properties of such spaces.
Keywords: topological semigroup, semigroup compactification, inverse spectrum, pseudocompact space, openly factorizable space, openly generated space, Eberlein compact, Corson compact, Valdivia compact
AMS Subject Classification: 22A15 54B30 54C20 54C08 54D35