L. A. Kurdachenko, A. V. Sadovnichenko, I. Ya. Subbotin
Infinite dimensional linear groups with a large family of $G$-invariant subspaces

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 51,4 (2010) 551-558.

Abstract:Let $F$ be a field, $A$ be a vector space over $F$, $\operatorname{GL}(F,A)$ be the group of all automorphisms of the vector space $A$. A subspace $B$ is called almost $G$-invariant, if $\dim _{F}(B/\operatorname{Core}_{G}(B))$ is finite. In the current article, we begin the study of those subgroups $G$ of $\operatorname{GL}(F,A)$ for which every subspace of $A$ is almost $G$-invariant. More precisely, we consider the case when $G$ is a periodic group. We prove that in this case $A$ includes a $G$-invariant subspace $B$ of finite codimension whose subspaces are $G$-invariant.

Keywords: vector space, linear groups, periodic groups, soluble groups, invariant subspaces
AMS Subject Classification: 15A03 20F16 20F29