Uzma Ahmad, Syed Husnine
Characterization of power digraphs modulo $n$

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 52,3 (2011) 359-367.

Abstract:A power digraph modulo $n$, denoted by $G(n,k)$, is a directed graph with $Z_{n}=\{0,1,\dots, n-1\}$ as the set of vertices and $E=\{(a,b): a^{k}\equiv b\pmod n\}$ as the edge set, where $n$ and $k$ are any positive integers. In this paper we find necessary and sufficient conditions on $n$ and $k$ such that the digraph $G(n,k)$ has at least one isolated fixed point. We also establish necessary and sufficient conditions on $n$ and $k$ such that the digraph $G(n,k)$ contains exactly two components. The primality of Fermat number is also discussed.

Keywords: iteration digraph, isolated fixed points, Charmichael lambda function, Fermat numbers, Regular digraphs
AMS Subject Classification: 11A07 11A15 20K01 05C20 11A51