Reinhard B\"orger
Making factorizations compositive

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 32,4 (1991) 749-759.

Abstract:The main aim of this paper is to obtain compositive cone factorizations from non-compositive ones by itereration. This is possible if and only if certain colimits of (possibly large) chains exist. In particular, we show that (strong-epi, mono) factorizations of cones exist if and only if joint coequalizers and colimits of chains of regular epimorphisms exist.

Keywords: (locally) orthogonal $\Cal E$-factorization, (local) factorization class, colimit of a chain, cointersection, regular epimorphism, joint coequalizer, (familially) strong epimorphism, decomposition number
AMS Subject Classification: 18A32, 18A30, 18A20, 03E10