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- On collections of almost disjoint families. 29:4 (1988), pp. 631 -- 646.
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- On the injectivity of Boolean algebras. 34:3 (1993), pp. 501 -- 511.
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- On the relation of three-valued logic to modal logic. 22:4 (1981), pp. 637 -- 653.
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- A logical analysis of the truth-reaction paradox. 23:4 (1982), pp. 699 -- 713.
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- Isomorphism does not imply lower base-isomorphism for non-regular or non-locally finite-dimensional cylindric algebras. 28:2 (1987), pp. 221 -- 226.
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- The consistency of some theorems concerning Lebesgue measure. 6:2 (1965), pp. 179 -- 180.
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- The continuum problem and powers of alephs. 6:2 (1965), pp. 181 -- 197.
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- An elementary proof of normality of the class of accessible cardinals. 6:4 (1965), pp. 409 -- 412.
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- Consistency theorems connected with some combinatorial problems. 7:4 (1966), pp. 495 -- 499.
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- A ternary variety generated by lattices. 22:4 (1981), pp. 773 -- 784.
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- An elimination of infinitely small quantities and infinitely large numbers (within the framework of AST). 21:3 (1980), pp. 433 -- 445.
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- An elimination of the predicate "to be a standard member" in nonstandard models of arithmetic. 23:4 (1982), pp. 785 -- 803.
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- Nonstandard models of arithmetic as an alternative basis for continuum considerations. 24:3 (1983), pp. 415 -- 430.
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- The consistency of the measurability of projective semisets. 27:1 (1986), pp. 103 -- 121.
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- A nonstandard treatment with quantities. 27:3 (1986), pp. 437 -- 447.
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- A contribution to topology in AST: compactness. 28:1 (1987), pp. 43 -- 61.
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- A contribution to topology in AST: almost indiscernibilities. 29:3 (1988), pp. 485 -- 499.
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- On the adjunction of any semiset to the system of $Sd_V$-classes in AST. 30:4 (1989), pp. 775 -- 778.
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- Multiplication of nonadditive cuts in AST. 32:1 (1991), pp. 61 -- 73.
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- Basic equivalences in the alternative set theory. 23:4 (1982), pp. 629 -- 644.
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- Monads in basic equivalences. 24:3 (1983), pp. 437 -- 452.
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- Endomorphic cuts and tails. 28:2 (1987), pp. 241 -- 249.
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- Models of AST without choice. 25:4 (1984), pp. 555 -- 589.
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- Model-theoretical constructions in AST, I. 27:3 (1986), pp. 581 -- 604.
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- Minimal monads. 28:4 (1987), pp. 691 -- 706.
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- Monads of indiscernibles. 30:1 (1989), pp. 109 -- 119.
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- Simplicity of algebras requires to investigate almost all operations. 23:2 (1982), pp. 325 -- 335.
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- O differenciruemosti konstruktivnych funkcij. 10:2 (1969), pp. 167 -- 175.
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- Prostranstva $L_r$ i $S$ v konstruktivnoj matematike. 10:2 (1969), pp. 261 -- 284.
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- Linejnye funkcionaly v konstruktivnych prostranstvach $L_r$. 10:3 (1969), pp. 357 -- 390.
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- Ob izmerimosti množestv po Lebegu v konstruktivnoj matematike. 10:3 (1969), pp. 463 -- 492.
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- Teoremy o srednem značenii dlja konstruktivnogo integrala Lebega. 11:2 (1970), pp. 249 -- 269.
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- O predstavimosti konstruktivnych funkcij slabo ograničennoj variacii. 11:3 (1970), pp. 421 -- 434.
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- Ob integriruemosti proizvodnych ot konstruktivnych funkcij. 11:4 (1970), pp. 667 -- 691.
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- Neobchodimoe i dostatočnoe uslovie absoljutnoj nepreryvnosti konstruktivnych funkcij. 11:4 (1970), pp. 705 -- 726.
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- O konstruktivnom analoge teoremy K.M. Garga o proizvodnych čislach. 21:3 (1980), pp. 457 -- 472.
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- O psevdodifferenciruemosti konstruktivnych funkcij na konstruktivnych dejstvitel'nych čislach. 21:3 (1980), pp. 489 -- 505.
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- O psevdodifferenciruemosti ravnomerno nepreryvnych konstruktivnych funkcij po funkcijam togo že tipa. 22:3 (1981), pp. 497 -- 512.
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- O nekotorych klassach arifmetičeskich dejstvitel'nych čisel. 23:3 (1982), pp. 453 -- 465.
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- Ob arifmetičeskoj složnosti differencirovanija v konstruktivnoj matematike. 24:2 (1983), pp. 301 -- 316.
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- O psevdodifferenciruemosti psevdoravnomerno nepreryvnych konstruktivnych funkcij po funkcijam togo že tipa. 24:3 (1983), pp. 391 -- 406.
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- A notion of semigenericity. 28:1 (1987), pp. 71 -- 84.
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- Reducibilities of sets based on constructive functions of a real variable. 29:1 (1988), pp. 143 -- 156.
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- Remarks on the structure of $tt$-degrees based on constructive measure theory. 29:2 (1988), pp. 233 -- 247.
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- O svojstvach neopredelennych konstruktivnych integralov Lebega--Stil'tesa. 21:4 (1980), pp. 629 -- 644.
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- Remarks on $1$-genericity, semigenericity and related concepts. 28:1 (1987), pp. 85 -- 94.
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- Large cardinals and Dowker products. 35:3 (1994), pp. 515 -- 522.
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- Completion closed algebras and models of Peano arithmetic. 22:3 (1981), pp. 585 -- 594.
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- On interpretability in theories containing arithmetic, II. 22:4 (1981), pp. 667 -- 688.
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- Partial conservativity revisited. 28:4 (1987), pp. 679 -- 690.
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- On saturated almost disjoint families. 28:4 (1987), pp. 629 -- 633.
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- Die Nichtexistenz starkregulärer standarder Modelle in der Mengenlehre von Zermelo--Fraenkel und ihren widerspruchsfreien Erweiterungen. 8:2 (1967), pp. 249 -- 255.
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- Model-theoretic properties of cause-and-effect structures. 23:3 (1982), pp. 541 -- 555.
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- An undecidable theorem concerning full embeddings into categories of algebras. 7:3 (1966), pp. 401 -- 409.
- Hrbáček K.
- Model $\nabla [\omega _{\alpha }\rightarrow \omega _{\beta }]$ in which $\beta $ is limit number. 6:4 (1965), pp. 439 -- 442.
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- Measurable cardinals in some Gödelian set theories. 7:3 (1966), pp. 343 -- 358.
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- A note on generalized Souslin's problem. 8:2 (1967), pp. 307 -- 310.
- Jech T.
- Interdependence of weakened forms of the axiom of choice. 7:3 (1966), pp. 359 -- 371.
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- Non-provability of Souslin's hypothesis. 8:2 (1967), pp. 291 -- 305.
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- A correction to my paper Interdependence of weakened forms of the axiom of choice (CMUC 7:3 (1966), pp. 359 -- 371). 8:3 (1967), pp. 567 -- 567.
- Kalina M.
- Probability in the alternative set theory. 30:2 (1989), pp. 347 -- 356.
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- Arithmetic of cuts and cuts of classes. 29:3 (1988), pp. 435 -- 456.
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- Cuts of real classes. 30:1 (1989), pp. 129 -- 136.
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- Borel classes in AST. Measurability, cuts and equivalence. 30:2 (1989), pp. 357 -- 372.
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- Some connections between measure, indiscernibility and representation of cuts. 31:4 (1990), pp. 751 -- 763.
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- Speed-up for propositional Frege systems via generalizations of proofs. 30:1 (1989), pp. 137 -- 140.
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- Slabaja schodimos{\unhbox \voidb@x \setbox 1=\hbox {t}\hbox to \wd 1{t\kern -0.6ex{\char 039}\hss }}{} v konstruktivnoj matematike. 11:2 (1970), pp. 285 -- 308.
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- On recursive measure of classes of recursive sets. 23:1 (1982), pp. 117 -- 121.
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- A note on initial segments below ${Q'}$. 30:4 (1989), pp. 779 -- 781.
- Mlček J.
- Compactness and homogeneity of saturated structures, I. 24:4 (1983), pp. 701 -- 716.
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- Compactness and homogeneity of saturated structures, II. 24:4 (1983), pp. 717 -- 729.
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- Some automorphisms of natural numbers in the alternative set theory. 26:3 (1985), pp. 467 -- 475.
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- $\beta $-structures. 27:4 (1986), pp. 765 -- 773.
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- Set-like equivalence and inner and outer cuts. 28:4 (1987), pp. 635 -- 647.
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- Correction to the paper "Set-like equivalence and inner and outer cuts". 29:2 (1988), pp. 395 -- 395.
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- Combinatoric properties of classes in AST. 30:1 (1989), pp. 141 -- 154.
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- $\in $-representation and set-prolongations. 33:4 (1992), pp. 661 -- 666.
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- Valuations of lines. 33:4 (1992), pp. 667 -- 679.
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- Monotonic valuations of\ $\pi \sigma $-triads and evaluations of ideals. 34:1 (1993), pp. 23 -- 32.
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- Alternative set theory with elementary classes. 35:1 (1994), pp. 193 -- 203.
- Pudlák P.
- A definition of exponentiation by a bounded arithmetical formula. 24:4 (1983), pp. 667 -- 671.
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- On a unification problem related to Kreisel's conjecture. 29:3 (1988), pp. 551 -- 556.
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- Fuzziness and fuzzy equality. 23:2 (1982), pp. 249 -- 267.
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- Properties of forcing preserved by finite support iterations. 32:1 (1991), pp. 95 -- 103.
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- Provability in the alternative set theory. 22:4 (1981), pp. 655 -- 660.
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- Construction of the class $FN $. 27:3 (1986), pp. 435 -- 436.
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- Forcing in the alternative set theory I. 32:2 (1991), pp. 323 -- 337.
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- Revealed automorphisms. 32:1 (1991), pp. 105 -- 113.
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- Forcing in the alternative set theory II. 32:2 (1991), pp. 339 -- 353.
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- Dimension of indiscernibility equivalences. 28:3 (1987), pp. 537 -- 547.
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- Sacks forcing collapses $\frak c$ to $\frak b$. 34:4 (1993), pp. 707 -- 710.
- Sochor A.
- Metamathematics of the alternative set theory, II. 23:1 (1982), pp. 55 -- 79.
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- Metamathematics of the alternative set theory, III. 24:1 (1983), pp. 137 -- 154.
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- Constructibility and shiftings of view. 26:3 (1985), pp. 477 -- 498.
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- Notes on revealed classes. 26:3 (1985), pp. 499 -- 514.
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- Addition of initial segments, I. 29:3 (1988), pp. 501 -- 517.
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- Addition of initial segments, II. 29:3 (1988), pp. 519 -- 528.
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- Complexity of the axioms of the alternative set theory. 34:1 (1993), pp. 33 -- 45.
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- Indiscernibles in the alternative set theory. 22:4 (1981), pp. 785 -- 798.
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- Ultrafilters of sets. 22:4 (1981), pp. 689 -- 699.
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- Shiftings of the horizon. 24:1 (1983), pp. 127 -- 136.
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- Constructions of classes by transfinite induction in AST. 30:1 (1989), pp. 155 -- 161.
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- On chromatic number of product of graphs. 29:1 (1988), pp. 1 -- 12.
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- A non-special ${\omega }_2$-tree with special ${{\omega }_1}$-subtrees. 31:3 (1990), pp. 607 -- 612.
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- A sentence that is difficult to interpret. 22:4 (1981), pp. 661 -- 666.
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- Some remarks on revealness. 28:1 (1987), pp. 63 -- 69.
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- A notion of measure for classes in AST. 28:3 (1987), pp. 449 -- 455.
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- Correction to the paper "A notion of measure for classes in AST". 29:2 (1988), pp. 393 -- 393.
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- Simple motions. 30:1 (1989), pp. 163 -- 173.
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- Constructions of endomorphic universes and similarities. 23:3 (1982), pp. 557 -- 577.
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