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- Note on homomorphism interpolation theorem. 17:1 (1976), pp. 105 -- 109.
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- On graphs with prescribed edge neighbourhoods. 30:4 (1989), pp. 749 -- 754.
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- Remarks to a modification of Ramsey-type theorems. 21:4 (1980), pp. 727 -- 738.
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- Regular societies without short cycles. 21:1 (1980), pp. 161 -- 169.
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- On number of covering arcs in orderings. 22:4 (1981), pp. 721 -- 733.
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- Perfect codes and two-graphs. 30:4 (1989), pp. 755 -- 760.
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- On homomorphism perfect graphs. 12:3 (1971), pp. 619 -- 626.
- Kučera A.
- Dostatočnyje uslovija normiruemosti linejnych operatorov v konstruktivnoj matematike. 12:2 (1971), pp. 377 -- 399.
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- Lee S.M., Tanoto R.
- Three classes of diameter edge-invariant graphs. 28:2 (1987), pp. 227 -- 232.
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- A note on nonisomorphic Steiner quadruple systems. 15:1 (1974), pp. 69 -- 74.
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- Probabilistic reconstruction from subgraphs. 17:4 (1976), pp. 709 -- 719.
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- Graphic algebras. 11:3 (1970), pp. 533 -- 544.
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- Partitions of vertices. 17:1 (1976), pp. 85 -- 95.
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- Van der Waerden theorem for sequences of integers not containing an arithmetic progression of $k$ terms. 17:4 (1976), pp. 675 -- 681.
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- On Ramsey graphs without cycles of short odd lengths. 20:3 (1979), pp. 565 -- 582.
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- Partite construction and Ramseyan theorems for sets, numbers and spaces. 28:3 (1987), pp. 569 -- 580.
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- A note on spatial representation of graphs. 26:4 (1985), pp. 655 -- 659.
- Ninčák J.
- On a conjecture by Nash--Williams. 14:1 (1973), pp. 135 -- 138.
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- Hamiltonian circuits in cubic graphs. 15:4 (1974), pp. 627 -- 630.
- Novák J.
- Uber gewisse minimale Systeme von $k$-Tupeln. 11:3 (1970), pp. 397 -- 402.
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- Finite graphs and digraphs which are not reconstructible from their cardinality restricted subgraphs. 22:2 (1981), pp. 281 -- 287.
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- On generating of relations. 14:1 (1973), pp. 95 -- 105.
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- Coloring digraphs by iterated antichains. 32:2 (1991), pp. 209 -- 212.
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- Representing graphs by means of strong and weak products. 22:3 (1981), pp. 449 -- 466.
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- On amalgamation of graphs and essential sets of generators. 19:2 (1978), pp. 359 -- 369.
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- On systems, periods and semipositive mappings. 25:4 (1984), pp. 597 -- 614.
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- Classes of graphs definable by graph algebra identities or quasi-identities. 28:3 (1987), pp. 581 -- 592.
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- An analogon of the fixed-point theorem and its application for graphs. 4:3 (1963), pp. 121 -- 131.
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- Tensor products in the category of graphs. 11:4 (1970), pp. 619 -- 639.
- Puš V.
- A remark on distances in products of graphs. 28:2 (1987), pp. 233 -- 239.
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- Chromatic number of products of graphs. 29:3 (1988), pp. 457 -- 463.
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- Representation of semigroups by products of simple graphs. 30:2 (1989), pp. 227 -- 234.
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- On systems of graphs intersecting in paths. 19:1 (1978), pp. 135 -- 140.
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- On homotopical equivalence of tolerance spaces. 19:4 (1978), pp. 705 -- 713.
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- Adjacency matrix equations and related problems: research notes. 24:2 (1983), pp. 211 -- 222.
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- Decompositions of complete $k$-uniform hypergraphs into factors with given diameters. 17:2 (1976), pp. 377 -- 392.
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- On products of binary relational structures. 17:3 (1976), pp. 513 -- 521.
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- Voss H.-J.
- Graphs with prescribed maximal subgraphs and critical chromatic graphs. 18:1 (1977), pp. 129 -- 142.
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- On balancing of hypergraphs. 28:1 (1987), pp. 15 -- 21.
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