- Alex H.
- On local and global injectivity of noncompact vector fields in non necessarily locally convex vector spaces. 35:2 (1994), pp. 239 -- 248.
- Alex H., Hahn S., Kaniok L.
- The fixed point index for noncompact mappings in non locally convex topological vector spaces. 35:2 (1994), pp. 249 -- 257.
- Appell J., Sim\"7E o}es M.A., Zabrejko P.P.
- On the $\Cal L$-characte\-ris\-tic of fractional powers of linear operators. 35:1 (1994), pp. 21 -- 34.
- Banaś J.
- On measures of noncompactness in Banach spaces. 21:1 (1980), pp. 131 -- 143.
- Banaś J., Hajnosz A., Wędrychowicz S.
- On the equation $x'=f(t,x)$ in Banach spaces. 23:2 (1982), pp. 233 -- 247.
- Barklon L.I.
- Issledovanie rešenij vozmuščennogo linejnogo operatornogo uravnenija. 8:1 (1967), pp. 13 -- 26.
- Baronti M., Papini P.L.
- Bicontractive projections in sequence spaces and a few related kinds of maps. 30:4 (1989), pp. 665 -- 673.
- Bojadziev H.N.
- Characterization of the generators of $C_0$ semigroups which leave a convex set invariant. 25:1 (1984), pp. 159 -- 170.
- Bruckner G.
- On local Lipschitz continuity of superposition operators. 17:3 (1976), pp. 593 -- 608.
- Buley H.
- Fixed point theorems of Rothe-type for Frum--Ketkov- and 1-set-contractions. 19:2 (1978), pp. 213 -- 225.
- Burýšek S.
- Some remarks on polynomial operators. 10:2 (1969), pp. 285 -- 306.
- Burýšek S.
- On spectra of nonlinear operators. 11:4 (1970), pp. 727 -- 743.
- Charvát F.
- On problems concerning extension of linear operations on linear spaces. 12:1 (1971), pp. 105 -- 115.
- Charvát F.
- On problems concerning uniqueness of the extension of linear operations on linear spaces. 12:2 (1971), pp. 271 -- 280.
- Chen K.W.
- Generalization of Steffensen's method for operator equations in Banach space. 5:2 (1964), pp. 47 -- 77.
- Cruceanu S.
- Régularisation pour les probl\18 e}mes \18 a} opérateurs monotones et la méthode de Galerkine. 12:1 (1971), pp. 1 -- 13.
- Daneš J.
- Some fixed point theorems. 9:2 (1968), pp. 223 -- 235.
- Daneš J.
- Continuity properties of nonlinear mappings. 9:3 (1968), pp. 353 -- 364.
- Daneš J.
- Generalized concentrative mappings and their fixed points. 11:1 (1970), pp. 115 -- 136.
- Daneš J.
- Fixed point theorems, Nemyckii and Uryson operators, and continuity of nonlinear mappings. 11:3 (1970), pp. 481 -- 500.
- Daneš J.
- Some fixed point theorems in metric and Banach spaces. 12:1 (1971), pp. 37 -- 51.
- Daneš J.
- Surjectivity and fixed point theorems. 13:1 (1972), pp. 181 -- 184.
- Daneš J.
- Some existence theorems for non-linear equations of Hammerstein type. 13:2 (1972), pp. 397 -- 401.
- Daneš J.
- Equivalence of some geometric and related results of nonlinear functional analysis. 26:3 (1985), pp. 443 -- 454.
- Daneš J., Durdil J.
- A note on geometric characterization of Fréchet differentiability. 17:1 (1976), pp. 195 -- 204.
- Daneš J., Kolomý J.
- On the continuity and differentiability properties of convex functionals. 9:2 (1968), pp. 329 -- 350.
- De Pascale E.
- A finite dimensional reduction of the Schauder Conjecture. 34:3 (1993), pp. 401 -- 404.
- Dostál Z.
- The critical exponent of operators with constrained spectral radius. 19:2 (1978), pp. 315 -- 318.
- Drábek P.
- Solvability of nonlinear problems at resonance. 23:2 (1982), pp. 359 -- 368.
- Durdil J.
- On the differentiability of Urysohn and Nemyckij operators. 8:3 (1967), pp. 515 -- 553.
- Durdil J.
- On demicontinuity and hemicontinuity of nonlinear integral operators. 9:2 (1968), pp. 207 -- 222.
- Durdil J.
- On the geometric characterization of differentiability, I. 15:3 (1974), pp. 521 -- 540.
- Durdil J.
- On the geometric characterization of differentiability, II. 15:4 (1974), pp. 727 -- 744.
- Engliš M.
- A note on Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces. 29:2 (1988), pp. 217 -- 219.
- Fabian M.
- On singlevaluedness and (strong) upper semicontinuity of maximal monotone mappings. 18:1 (1977), pp. 19 -- 39.
- Fabian M.
- Once more on continuity of maximal monotone mappings. 18:1 (1977), pp. 105 -- 114.
- Fečkan M.
- Small functions and iterative methods. 33:4 (1992), pp. 589 -- 595.
- Fučík S.
- Fixed point theorems based on Leray--Schauder degree. 8:4 (1967), pp. 683 -- 690.
- Fučík S.
- Fixed point theorems for sum of nonlinear mappings. 9:1 (1968), pp. 133 -- 143.
- Fučík S.
- Solving of nonlinear operators equations in Banach space. 10:2 (1969), pp. 177 -- 188.
- Fučík S.
- Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces and its applications to the differential and integral equations. 11:2 (1970), pp. 271 -- 284.
- Fučík S.
- Remarks on monotone operators. 11:3 (1970), pp. 435 -- 448.
- Fučík S.
- Note on the Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators. 12:2 (1971), pp. 213 -- 226.
- Fučík S.
- Further remark on a theorem by E.M. Landesman and A.C. Lazer. 15:2 (1974), pp. 259 -- 271.
- Fučík S.
- Remarks on the solvability and nonsolvability of weakly nonlinear equations. 17:1 (1976), pp. 61 -- 70.
- Fučík S.
- Nonlinear equations with linear part at resonance: variational approach. 18:4 (1977), pp. 723 -- 734.
- Fučík S., Hess P.
- Nonlinear perturbations of linear operators having nullspace with strong unique continuation property. 19:2 (1978), pp. 403 -- 407.
- Fučík S., Milota J.
- On the convergence of sequences of linear operators and adjoint operators. 12:4 (1971), pp. 753 -- 763.
- Fučík S., Milota J.
- Linear and nonlinear variational inequalities on half-spaces. 16:4 (1975), pp. 663 -- 682.
- Gonzalez M., Martinon A.
- Operational quantities derived from the norm and generalized Fredholm theory. 32:4 (1991), pp. 645 -- 657.
- Górnicki J.
- Uniformly normal structure and fixed points of uniformly Lipschitzian mappings. 28:3 (1987), pp. 481 -- 489.
- Górnicki J.
- Weak convergence theorems for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach spaces. 30:2 (1989), pp. 249 -- 252.
- Górnicki J.
- Fixed points of asymptotically regular mappings in spaces with uniformly normal structure. 32:4 (1991), pp. 639 -- 643.
- Gribanov Ju.I.
- O linejnych integral'nych operatorach v Banachovych prostranstvach funkcij. 6:3 (1965), pp. 353 -- 361.
- Gribanov Ju.I.
- Zamečanie k odnoj teoreme M.A. Krasnosel'skogo o nepodvižnoj točke. 7:2 (1966), pp. 139 -- 141.
- Groetsch G.W.
- A product integral representation of the generalized inverse. 16:1 (1975), pp. 13 -- 20.
- Gupta Ch.P.
- Nonlinear equations of Urysohn's type in a Banach space. 16:2 (1975), pp. 377 -- 386.
- Gvozdková P.
- On continuity of linear transformations commuting with generalized scalar operators. 11:3 (1970), pp. 583 -- 588.
- Hadžić O.
- On multivalued mappins in paranormed spaces. 22:1 (1981), pp. 129 -- 136.
- Hadžič O.
- On equilibrium point in topological vector spaces. 23:4 (1982), pp. 727 -- 738.
- Hahn S.
- Uber die Stabilität von Lösungen nichtlinearer Operatorengleichungen in nicht notwendig lokalkonvexen topologischen Vektorräumen. 17:3 (1976), pp. 421 -- 440.
- Hahn S.
- Ein Homotopieerweiterungssatz für kompakte Vektorfelder in topologischen Vektorräumen. 17:4 (1976), pp. 807 -- 811.
- Hahn S.
- Gebietsinvarianzsatz und Eigenwertaussagen für konzentrierende Abbildungen. 18:4 (1977), pp. 697 -- 713.
- Hahn S.
- Ein elementarer Zugang zur Leray--Schauder-Theorie. 19:1 (1978), pp. 71 -- 87.
- Hahn S.
- Eigenwertaussagen für kompakte und kondensierende mengenwertige Abbildungen in topologischen Vektorräumen. 20:1 (1979), pp. 123 -- 141.
- Hahn S.
- Ein Störungssatz für positive Eigenwerte kondensierender mengenwertiger Abbildungen in lokalkonvexen topologischen Vektorräumen. 20:3 (1979), pp. 417 -- 430.
- Hahn S.
- Fixpunktsätze für limeskompakte mengenwertige Abbildungen in nicht notwendig lokalkonvexen topologischen Vektorräumen. 27:1 (1986), pp. 189 -- 204.
- Hetzer G.
- Der "Satz von der gleichmässigen Beschränktheit" für eine Klasse nichtlinearer Operatoren. 14:4 (1973), pp. 739 -- 754.
- Hetzer G.
- Some applications of the coincidence degree for set-contractions to functional differential equations of neutral type. 16:1 (1975), pp. 121 -- 138.
- Hetzer G.
- On the existence of weak solutions for some quasilinear elliptic variational boundary value problems at resonance. 17:2 (1976), pp. 315 -- 334.
- Horák K.
- On the Perron--Frobenius theory for sets of positive operators. 19:2 (1978), pp. 265 -- 279.
- Horák K., Müller V.
- On the structure of commuting isometries. 28:1 (1987), pp. 165 -- 171.
- Howard J.
- Factoring unconditionally converging operators. 20:1 (1979), pp. 107 -- 110.
- Istr\21 a}tescu V.
- Some remarks on the spectra and numerical range. 9:4 (1968), pp. 527 -- 531.
- Itoh S.
- Multivalued generalized contractions and fixed point theorems. 18:2 (1977), pp. 247 -- 258.
- Janovský V., Janovská D.
- Remarks on inflated mappings. 28:3 (1987), pp. 491 -- 500.
- Janovský V., Janovská D.
- Inflated mappings for singularities of codimension $\leq 2$. 28:3 (1987), pp. 501 -- 515.
- Jerofsky T.
- Das Eigenwerttheorem von Krasnoselski für $k$-kondensierende Abbildungen. 22:2 (1981), pp. 413 -- 427.
- Jokl L.
- An application of the Hahn--Banach theorem in convex analysis. 22:4 (1981), pp. 799 -- 807.
- Joshi M.
- Existence theorem for a generalized Hammerstein type equation. 15:2 (1974), pp. 283 -- 291.
- Joshi M.
- Existence theorems for a variant of Hammerstein's integral equation. 16:2 (1975), pp. 255 -- 271.
- Kaniok L.
- On measures of noncompactness in general topological vector spaces. 31:3 (1990), pp. 479 -- 487.
- Kissel P., Schock E.
- Lucid operators on Banach spaces. 31:3 (1990), pp. 489 -- 499.
- Ko H.-M., Tan K.-K.
- Attractors and a fixed point theorem in locally convex space. 21:1 (1980), pp. 71 -- 79.
- Koliha J.J.
- The product of relatively regular operators. 16:3 (1975), pp. 531 -- 539.
- Kolomý J.
- Contribution to the solution of non-linear equations. 4:4 (1963), pp. 165 -- 171.
- Kolomý J.
- Remark to the solution of non-linear functional equations in Banach spaces. 5:2 (1964), pp. 97 -- 116.
- Kolomý J.
- Open mapping theorem and solution of nonlinear equations in linear normed spaces. 6:3 (1965), pp. 363 -- 366.
- Kolomý J.
- Some existence theorems for nonlinear problems. 7:2 (1966), pp. 207 -- 217.
- Kolomý J.
- Application of some existence theorems for the solutions of Hammerstein integral equations. 7:4 (1966), pp. 461 -- 478.
- Kolomý J.
- The solvability of nonlinear integral equations. 8:2 (1967), pp. 273 -- 289.
- Kolomý J.
- On the differentiability of mappings in functional spaces. 8:2 (1967), pp. 315 -- 329.
- Kolomý J.
- A note on the continuity properties of nonlinear operators. 8:3 (1967), pp. 503 -- 514.
- Kolomý J.
- On the differentiability of mappings and convex functionals. 8:4 (1967), pp. 735 -- 752.
- Kolomý J.
- On the differentiability of mappings and convex functionals: A correction. 9:1 (1968), pp. 197 -- 197.
- Kolomý J.
- On the differentiability of operators and convex functionals. 9:3 (1968), pp. 441 -- 454.
- Kolomý J.
- Gradient maps and boundedness of G\^ateaux differentials. 9:4 (1968), pp. 613 -- 625.
- Kolomý J.
- A note on uniform boundedness principle for nonlinear operators. 10:2 (1969), pp. 207 -- 216.
- Kolomý J.
- On the continuity properties of nonlinear operators and functionals. 10:2 (1969), pp. 241 -- 260.
- Kolomý J.
- Remarks on nonlinear operators and functionals. 10:3 (1969), pp. 391 -- 405.
- Kolomý J.
- Some mapping theorems and solvability of nonlinear equations in Banach space. 12:2 (1971), pp. 413 -- 418.
- Kolomý J.
- On accretive multivalued mappings in Banach spaces. 31:4 (1990), pp. 701 -- 710.
- Kolomý J., Zizler V.
- Remarks on the differentiability of mappings in linear normed spaces. 8:4 (1967), pp. 691 -- 704.
- Kramar E.
- On the numerical range of operators on locally and on H-locally convex spaces. 34:2 (1993), pp. 229 -- 237.
- Kratochvíl A.
- La méthode des gradients conjugents pour les équations non linéaires dans l'espace de Banach. 9:4 (1968), pp. 659 -- 676.
- Kratochvíl A., Nečas J.
- O diskretnosti spektra nelinejnogo uravnenija Šturma--Liuvillja četvertogo porjadka. 12:4 (1971), pp. 639 -- 653.
- Krejčí P.
- Hard implicit function theorem and small periodic solutions to partial differential equations. 25:3 (1984), pp. 519 -- 536.
- Kučera M.
- Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators. 11:2 (1970), pp. 337 -- 363.
- Kučera M.
- A new method for the obtaining of eigenvalues of variational inequalities of the special type. 18:1 (1977), pp. 205 -- 210.
- Kuczumow T., Stachura A.
- Extensions of nonexpansive mappings in the Hilbert ball with the hyperbolic metric, I. 29:3 (1988), pp. 399 -- 402.
- Kuczumow T., Stachura A.
- Extensions of nonexpansive mappings in the Hilbert ball with the hyperbolic metric, II. 29:3 (1988), pp. 403 -- 410.
- Le Van Hot
- On the differentiability of multivalued mappings, I. 22:2 (1981), pp. 267 -- 280.
- Le Van Hot
- Fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings. 23:1 (1982), pp. 137 -- 145.
- Le Van Hot
- A fixed point theorem. 26:2 (1985), pp. 299 -- 308.
- Marek I.
- A remark on linear operators leaving a cone invariant in a Banach space. 2:4 (1961), pp. 10 -- 16.
- Marek I.
- $C$-convergence of iterations of linear bounded operators. 2:4 (1961), pp. 22 -- 24.
- Marek I.
- On some spectral properties of Radon--Nicolski operators and their generalizations. 3:1 (1962), pp. 20 -- 30.
- Marek I.
- A note on $K$-positive operators. 4:4 (1963), pp. 137 -- 146.
- Marek I.
- On the minimax principle for $K$-positive operators. 7:1 (1966), pp. 109 -- 112.
- Marek I.
- A class of Kreiss-type uniformly bounded systems of operators. 10:4 (1969), pp. 641 -- 652.
- Marek I.
- An announcement concerning my preliminary communication "A class of Kreiss-type uniformly bounded systems of operators" (CMUC 10:4 (1969), pp. 641 -- 652). 11:1 (1970), pp. 183 -- 183.
- Marek I., Žitný K.
- Equivalence of $K$-irreducibility concepts. 25:1 (1984), pp. 61 -- 72.
- McGrath S.A.
- On the local ergodic theorems of Krengel, Kubokawa, and Terrell. 17:1 (1976), pp. 49 -- 59.
- Mehta G.
- Fixed points, equilibria and maximal elements in linear topological spaces. 28:2 (1987), pp. 377 -- 385.
- Meister H.
- Zum Fixpunktverhalten nichtexpansiver Abbildungen. 21:2 (1980), pp. 319 -- 331.
- Milojević P.S.
- Solvability of semilinear equations with strong nonlinearities and applications to elliptic boundary value problems. 28:4 (1987), pp. 735 -- 750.
- Milota J.
- Almost optimal approximations of compact sets in Hilbert space. 10:1 (1969), pp. 121 -- 140.
- Molnár L.
- On the range of a normal Jordan *-derivation. 35:4 (1994), pp. 691 -- 695.
- Morales C.
- Pseudo-contractive mappings and the Leray--Schauder boundary condition. 20:4 (1979), pp. 745 -- 756.
- Morales C.
- Zeros for strongly accretive set-valued mappings. 27:3 (1986), pp. 455 -- 469.
- Morales C.H.
- Surjectivity theorems for multi-valued mappings of accretive type. 26:2 (1985), pp. 397 -- 413.
- Morales C.H.
- Multivalued pseudo-contractive mappings defined on unbounded sets in Banach spaces. 33:4 (1992), pp. 625 -- 630.
- Müller G., Reinermann J.
- Fixed point theorems for pseudocontractive mappings and a counterexample for compact maps. 18:2 (1977), pp. 281 -- 298.
- Murphy G.J.
- Self-dual subnormal operators. 23:3 (1982), pp. 467 -- 473.
- Naimpally S.A., Singh K.L., Whitfield J.H.M.
- Common fixed points for nonexpansive and asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. 24:2 (1983), pp. 287 -- 300.
- Nashed M.Z.
- Higher order differentiability of nonlinear operators on normed spaces, I. 10:3 (1969), pp. 509 -- 533.
- Nashed M.Z.
- Higher order differentiability of nonlinear operators on normed spaces, II. 10:4 (1969), pp. 535 -- 557.
- Naumann J.
- A characterization of the eigenvalues of a completely continuous selfadjoint operator. 13:1 (1972), pp. 63 -- 78.
- Nečas J.
- On the range of nonlinear operators with linear asymptotes which are not invertible. 14:1 (1973), pp. 63 -- 72.
- Nugari R.
- Further remarks on the Nemitskii operator in Hölder spaces. 34:1 (1993), pp. 89 -- 95.
- Park S., Bae J.S.
- On zeros and fixed points of multifunctions with non-compact convex domains. 34:2 (1993), pp. 257 -- 264.
- Petry W.
- Existence theorems for operator equations and nonlinear elliptic boundary-value problems. 14:1 (1973), pp. 27 -- 46.
- Petry W.
- Correction to my paper "Existence theorems for operator equations and nonlinear elliptic boundary-value problems", Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 14 (1973), 27--46. 15:2 (1974), pp. 377 -- 378.
- Petry W.
- Nonlinear operator equations and boundary-value problems. 15:3 (1974), pp. 451 -- 463.
- Pietramala P.
- Convergence of approximating fixed points sets for multivalued nonexpansive mappings. 32:4 (1991), pp. 697 -- 701.
- Podolak E.
- A note on the existence of more than one solution for asymptotically linear equations. 18:1 (1977), pp. 59 -- 64.
- Potapov A.S.
- K teorii vraščenija predel'no kompaktnych vektornych polej. 15:4 (1974), pp. 693 -- 716.
- Potapov A.S., Potapova T.Ja., Filin V.A.
- Zamečanija o nepodvižnych točkach i sobstvennych vektorach položitel'nych uplotnjajuščich operatorov. 18:2 (1977), pp. 219 -- 230.
- Pták V.
- Mappings into spaces of operators. 9:1 (1968), pp. 161 -- 164.
- Pták V., Zemánek J.
- Continuité Lipschitzienne du spectre comme fonction d'un opérateur normal. 17:3 (1976), pp. 507 -- 512.
- Reich S., Torrejón R.
- Zeros of accretive operators. 21:3 (1980), pp. 619 -- 625.
- Reinermann J.
- Fixed point theorems for generalized contractions. 13:4 (1972), pp. 617 -- 627.
- Reinermann J., Stallbohm V.
- Fixed point theorems for compact and nonexpansive mappings on starshaped domains. 15:4 (1974), pp. 775 -- 779.
- Rhoades B.E., Singh K.L., Whitfield J.H.M.
- Fixed points for generalized nonexpansive mappings. 23:3 (1982), pp. 443 -- 451.
- Rhodius A.
- Eine Eigenwertabschätzung für Integraloperatoren mit stochastischen Kernen. 18:1 (1977), pp. 183 -- 193.
- Ricceri Naselli O.
- On the covering dimension of the fixed point set of certain multifunctions. 32:2 (1991), pp. 281 -- 286.
- Ricker W.J.
- Bade's theorem on the uniformly closed algebra generated by a Boolean algebra. 29:3 (1988), pp. 597 -- 600.
- Rzepecki B.
- Some fixed point theorems in locally convex spaces and applications to differential and integral equations. 22:1 (1981), pp. 113 -- 127.
- Rzepecki B.
- On measures of noncompactness in topological vector spaces. 23:1 (1982), pp. 105 -- 116.
- Sato R.
- Local ergodic properties of $L_p$-operator semigroups. 14:1 (1973), pp. 177 -- 181.
- Sato R.
- A note on operator convergence for semigroups. 15:1 (1974), pp. 127 -- 129.
- Sato R.
- A note on a local ergodic theorem. 16:1 (1975), pp. 1 -- 11.
- Sato R.
- An Abelian ergodic theorem. 18:3 (1977), pp. 415 -- 422.
- Sato R.
- Convex combinations of commuting affine operators. 19:1 (1978), pp. 45 -- 51.
- Sato R.
- Ergodic properties of contraction semigroups in $L_p$, $1<p<\infty $. 35:2 (1994), pp. 337 -- 346.
- Schirotzek W.
- On Farkas type theorems. 22:1 (1981), pp. 1 -- 14.
- Schöneberg R.
- Some fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying Frum--Ketkov conditions. 17:2 (1976), pp. 399 -- 411.
- Schöneberg R.
- On the structure of fixed point sets of pseudo-contractive mappings. 17:4 (1976), pp. 771 -- 777.
- Schöneberg R.
- Errata to my paper "Some fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying Frum--Kretkov conditions" (CMUC 17:2 (1976), pp. 399 -- 411). 17:4 (1976), pp. 812 -- 812.
- Schöneberg R.
- On the structure of fixed point sets of pseudo-contractive mappings, II. 18:2 (1977), pp. 299 -- 310.
- Schu J.
- Iterative approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive mappings with starshaped domain. 31:2 (1990), pp. 277 -- 282.
- Sessa S.
- Some remarks and applications of an extension of a lemma of Ky Fan. 29:3 (1988), pp. 567 -- 575.
- Souček J., Souček V.
- Morse--Sard theorem for real-analytic functions. 13:1 (1972), pp. 45 -- 51.
- Sova M.
- Abstract semilinear equations with small nonlinearities. 12:4 (1971), pp. 785 -- 805.
- Štědrý M.
- Concerning Cesari's theorems. 19:3 (1978), pp. 501 -- 512.
- Steudel R.
- Mathematische Behandlung eines Desorptionsmodells für biporöse Systeme. 21:3 (1980), pp. 605 -- 618.
- Švarc R.
- The solution of a Fučík's conjecture. 25:3 (1984), pp. 483 -- 517.
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- Some combinatorial results about the operators with jumping nonlinearities. 28:4 (1987), pp. 707 -- 733.
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- Two examples of the operators with jumping nonlinearities. 30:3 (1989), pp. 587 -- 620.
- Swaminathan S., Thompson A.C.
- Sizes of sets and some fixed point theorems. 12:3 (1971), pp. 537 -- 549.
- Swartz Ch.
- Unconditionally convergent series of compact operators. 30:2 (1989), pp. 321 -- 322.
- Tarafdar E.
- On the existence of solution of the equation $L(x)=N(x)$ and a generalized coincidence degree theory, I. 21:4 (1980), pp. 805 -- 823.
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- On the existence of solution of the equation $L(x)=N(x)$ and a generalized coincidence degree theory, II. 22:1 (1981), pp. 37 -- 58.
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- On a nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem. 23:3 (1982), pp. 499 -- 512.
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- Five equivalent theorems on a convex subset of a topological vector space. 30:2 (1989), pp. 323 -- 326.
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- On contractive mappings in metric spaces. 19:2 (1978), pp. 409 -- 413.
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- On the multiplicity points of monotone operators on separable Banach spaces. 27:3 (1986), pp. 551 -- 570.
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- Viet Ho Duc
- Remarks on subdifferentials of convex functionals. 16:4 (1975), pp. 641 -- 661.
- Viet Ho Duc, Thiep Nguyen
- A note on close-to-normal structure. 20:1 (1979), pp. 29 -- 36.
- Voldřich J.
- The ranges of nonlinear operators of the polynomial type. 23:4 (1982), pp. 671 -- 684.
- Zahradník M.
- On the common fixed point for commuting Lipschitz functions. 12:4 (1971), pp. 713 -- 721.
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- On the points of multiplicity of monotone operators. 19:1 (1978), pp. 179 -- 189.
- Zezula R.
- Weak and strong convergence of projection methods in nonreflexive Banach spaces. 15:1 (1974), pp. 29 -- 47.
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- On the differentiability of mappings in Banach spaces. 8:3 (1967), pp. 415 -- 430.