Content of CMUC 9 (1968), No.2
- Diviš B.
- On lattice points in high dimensional ellipsoids. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 199--205.
- Durdil J.
- On demicontinuity and hemicontinuity of nonlinear integral operators. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 207--222.
- Daneš J.
- Some fixed point theorems. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 223--235.
- Seneta E.
- The principles of truncations in applied probability. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 237--242.
- Frolík Z.
- On the Souslin-graph theorem. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 243--249.
- Trnková V.
- Strong embedding of category of all grupoids into category of semigroups. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 251--256.
- Sichler J.
- $\frak A (1,1)$ can be strongly embedded into category of semigroups. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 257--262.
- Balász M., Goldner G.
- On an analogical iterative method with the method of the tangent hyperbolas. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 263--268.
- Lukankin G.L.
- Ob integralach tipa Temljakova i nekotorych ich svojstvach. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 269--280.
- Pultr A.
- On full embeddings of concrete categories with respect to forgetful functors. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 281--305.
- Preiss D.
- Limits of derivatives. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 307--309.
- Najzar K.
- On the method of least squares of finding eigenvalues of some symmetric operators. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 311--323.
- Hušková M.
- The fourth moment of a general linear statistic. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 325--328.
- Daneš J., Kolomý J.
- On the continuity and differentiability properties of convex functionals. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 329--350.
- Flajšer N.M.
- Corrigendum (CMUC 9:1 (1968), pp. 71 -- 77). Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 9(1968) 351--351.