Content of CMUC 11 (1970), No.4
- Münzová M.
- Transformations determining uniquely a monoid. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 595--618.
- Pultr A.
- Tensor products in the category of graphs. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 619--639.
- Najzar K.
- Stability of the method of least squares for finding the eigenvalues of a symmetric operator. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 641--655.
- Šragin I.V.
- Varianty teoremy Radona--Nikodima. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 657--665.
- Demuth O.
- Ob integriruemosti proizvodnych ot konstruktivnych funkcij. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 667--691.
- Kolomý J.
- Some remarks on nonlinear functionals. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 693--704.
- Demuth O.
- Neobchodimoe i dostatočnoe uslovie absoljutnoj nepreryvnosti konstruktivnych funkcij. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 705--726.
- Burýšek S.
- On spectra of nonlinear operators. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 727--743.
- Tomášek S.
- Projectively generated topologies on tensor products. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 745--768.
- Čihák P.
- Comparability of Borel probability measures on Euclidean line. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 769--785.
- Babuška I.
- Approximation by Hill functions. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 787--811.
- Thompson R.B.
- A metatheorem for fixed point theories. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 813--815.
- Preiss D.
- On the first derivative of real functions. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 817--822.
- Adámek J.
- Some generalizations of the notions limit and colimit. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 823--827.
- Cassens P., Regan F.
- On generalized Lambert summability. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 829--839.
- Tomášek S.
- $M$-barrelled spaces, $M$-bornological spaces: Ad addendum. Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 11(1970) 841--841.