Marek W\'ojtowicz
On a weak Freudenthal spectral theorem

Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 33,4 (1992) 631-643.

Abstract:Let $X$ be an Archimedean Riesz space and $\Cal P(X)$ its Boolean algebra of all band projections, and put $\Cal P_{e}=\{P e:P\in \Cal P(X)\}$ and $\Cal B_{e}=\{x\in X: x\wedge (e-x)=0\}$, $e\in X^+$. $X$ is said to have Weak Freudenthal Property (\text {$WFP$}) provided that for every $e\in X^+$ the lattice $lin \Cal P_{e}$ is order dense in the principal band $e^{d d}$. This notion is compared with strong and weak forms of Freudenthal spectral theorem in Archimedean Riesz spaces, studied by Veksler and Lavri\v c, respectively. \text {$WFP$} is equivalent to $X^+$-denseness of $\Cal P_{e}$ in $\Cal B_{e}$ for every $e\in X^+$, and every Riesz space with sufficiently many projections has \text {$WFP$} (THEOREM).

Keywords: Freudenthal spectral theorem, band, band projection, Boolean algebra, disjointness
AMS Subject Classification: Primary 46A40; Secondary 06E99, 06B10