Contents of CMUC 2020 (2)
Khaldoun Al-Zoubi, Shatha Alghueiri, Ece Y. Celikel
$Gr$-$(2,n)$-ideals in graded commutative rings
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 129-138
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Attila Nagy
On congruence permutable $G$-sets
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 139-145
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Bibi N. Onagh
Roughness in $G$-graphs
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 147-154
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Jan Šaroch
On the nontrivial solvability of systems of~homogeneous linear equations over $\mathbb Z$ in ZFC
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 155-164
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Mohammed S. Abdo, Ahmed G. Ibrahim, Satish K. Panchal
Noncompact perturbation of nonconvex noncompact sweeping process with delay
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 165-186
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Gilles Godefroy
Lipschitz approximable Banach spaces
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 187-193
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Zdeněk Dušek
Geodesic graphs in Randers g.o. spaces
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 195-211
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Cid D. F. Machado, Carlos M. C. Riveros
Weingarten hypersurfaces of the spherical type in Euclidean spaces
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 213-236
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Bendehiba Senoussi, Hassan Al-Zoubi
Translation surfaces of finite type in ${\rm Sol}_{3}$
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 237-256
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)
Luong Q. Tuyen, Ong V. Tuyen
On the $n$-fold symmetric product of a space with a $\sigma$-$(P)$-property $cn$-network ($ck$-network)
Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. 61,2 (2020) 257-263
Abstract, Full text(PS, PDF)